News and Testimonials

Tasting Moments

Tasting Moments

Let's try a different grape!!

April 23, 2019

Today, April 23, Alan and Terry Reeb decided to visit the Colonia Caroya wineries. When we picked them up they were as excited as I was. The world of wine is immense and you never stop learning.

The first winery, La Caroyense, keeps a lot of history starting from the 1930's when it was built.

Something very interesting that stands out from it is that it still produces some of its wines with the same recipe since its inception.

In this area you can not miss the famous frambua wine. The grape originally takes the name of Isabella. It is a variety of American origin, which belongs to the family of "Vitis Labrusca" (not a wine vine).

It has an uncertain origin, although it is believed that it appeared in North America by natural genetic crosses of European vines carried by the original settlers. It produces light and fruity wines, of pale pink color of low intensity, with moderate alcoholic content and very sweet. Its aromas are immediately reminiscent of fresh grapes and red fruits: strawberries, blackberries and raspberries.

When we arrived at the second winery, Terra Camiare, we could see many differences compared to the previous one. The production methods are much more modern, as is their structure. Some of the vessels that are used today are made of a special concrete so that the wine can have contact with this material without the need to add a resin inside. This type of paint (Epoxi) is used only for fermentation or storage of young wines and serves mainly to avoid contact of the liquid with the cement. That way it doesn't suffer leaks or acquire an undesired flavor.

They told us that soon they will open a restaurant to enjoy a delicious meal accompanied by a good CORDOBA wine. Doesn't it sound exciting?


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