News and Testimonials

Penguins season is about to start

Penguins season is about to start

Penguins season is about to begin, next September 15th, at the biggest Chubut's penguins area.

August 31, 2017

Punta Tombo is a wildlife reserve on the Atlantic coast of the province of Chubut,  Argentina, and one of the main and crowdest continental colonies of Magallanes Penguin breeding  (Spheniscus Magellanic), located 100 km south of Chubut river lower valley, where you can see the city of Rawson and Trelew.

It was created by a decree of 1972 with the category of tourist natural reserve; in 1985, a new law, named it as the provincial fauna reserve and reaffirmed the main objective to protect one of the biggest continental colonies of Magallanes Penguin breeding, as well as the large colony of birds that form part of the coastal ecosystem.

Even though there are some variations according to the season, more than 1.000.000 different specimen of Magallanes Penguins has been counted in PuntaTombo.

Others birds specimens that nest the place, include the Cook Gull, the Gray or Southern Gull, Skuas, Royal Cormorant and Black-necked Cormorant, Steam Ducks, and Oystercatchers.

The reserve is also visited by Antarctic Pigeons, Petrels, and Seagulls.

Penguins season is about to begin, next September 15th, at the biggest Cubut penguins area.Chubut. 

Waiting for more than  100.000 visitors who will be allowed to  walk beside this beautiful birds and enjoy the amazing scenery 

Everything has been reconditioned: walkways, and internal roads, to make your experience unforgettable...



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